Our Services

Your Policy Expert. Straight Answers. Absolute Recovery!


Residential Damage- As you are trying to rebuild your home and get back to normal, there is little time for learning the ins and outs of insurance claims to make sure you’re not settling for less than what you’re entitled to.



Commercial property insurance and the losses that may follow come in many types and forms. They typically have their own unique policies and endorsements that in some cases are structured for their specific needs.


Business Consultations

Residential & Commercial damages comes in many types and forms. They typically have their own unique policies and endorsements that in some cases are structured for their specific needs.


our services

We Are A Full Service Public Adjuster

Most cases, your insurance provider often neglects to assess and will sometimes misinterpret your policy. When this happens, you will see a reduction of benefits, denied claims and a lower claim settlement….and this is where we come in!

You should thoroughly review every aspect of your homeowner’s insurance policy prior to beginning the claims process. During this process, you should also consider hiring an experienced public adjuster to help clear up the details of your policy and assess your damages.

Fire and Smoke Damage

Fire losses are often the most devastating occurrences that can happen to a family or business. Fire damage requires important short-term decisions from individuals that are under a tremendous amount of stress and confusion.

Water and Flood Damage

Water damage and flood damage are often thought of as the same event. In fact, they can be completely different with one being covered and one excluded under common property insurance policies. We know what the rules and regulations are when it comes to water and flood damage!

Hail Damage

Hail damage can be hard to spot. If missed, it can cause further damage to your home down the road when you least expect it. We can help manage your claim to ensure that all potential damages are identified and the claim is complete.

Wind Damage

High winds can damage roof shingles, blow siding from the structure, and snap tree limbs that hit fencing or your home.   Wind and Hail can damage your property within minutes. 

Tornado and Hurricane Damage

Tornados and Hurricanes often give little warning before striking. They can quickly barrel through an area in just a few minutes and leave a mess of destruction. Make sure your damage is properly assessed by a professional, Starling Adjuster Group. 

Available 'round the Clock

We  pride myself on being a very focused and detail oriented claims professional with a strong understanding of commercial and residential insurance policies, compliance coverage’s, and statutes.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are honest and upfront with you because we believe in the power of running my business with integrity.
BOTTOM LINE: We are “Your Policy Expert. With Straight Answers. To Get You Absolute Recovery! “

Free Consultations

We understand the Colorado insurance markets and how to effectively guide insured’s to the appropriate coverage’s based on their circumstances. We offer FREE consultations to maximize your claim

Residential, Commercial… You name it, we’ll be there!

Your Policy Expert. Straight Answers. Absolute Recovery!


Head Office

Thornton, Colorado

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